Western Sanctions Against Russia: Effective Deterrent or Double-Edged Sword?

Christian Baghai
3 min readOct 15, 2023


The subject of Western sanctions against Russia has been a topic of considerable debate among politicians, scholars, and financial analysts alike. As the tension between Russia and the West continues to simmer, largely fueled by Russia’s activities in Ukraine, the sanctions’ effectiveness has come under scrutiny. Have they achieved the desired impact of changing Russia’s behavior or have they, in some ways, backfired, leading to unintended consequences for both Russia and the countries that imposed the sanctions?

Banking: The Epicenter of Economic Consequences

Let’s first talk about the elephant in the room — the Russian banking sector. It has taken a direct hit, with significant ramifications on its financial stability. The freezing of assets belonging to Russia’s central bank in the West has dealt a massive blow to its foreign exchange reserves. This has critically hampered Russia’s ability to cushion the ruble against market fluctuations. The exclusion of Russian banks from the SWIFT network — akin to cutting off the arteries of international finance — has disrupted the speed and efficacy of transactions. This impacts not just big conglomerates but also trickles down to everyday consumers, who are faced with higher costs and increased financial risks.

Spillover Effects: The West Isn’t Immune

Now, let’s not paint an image of the West sitting comfortably in an ivory tower, unscathed by the sanctions they themselves have imposed. The ripple effects have been palpable. Disrupted trade and investment flows have made their presence felt in the EU and U.S. financial sectors, not to mention the challenges of increased compliance costs and potential contagion effects. The sanctions have also opened up a can of worms on complex legal and political issues like extraterritoriality and sovereignty, leading to intense discussions about their legitimacy and proportionality.

A Strategy in Question

The overarching purpose of these sanctions, ostensibly, is to compel Russia to change its course in Ukraine and adhere to international law. However, assessing the efficacy of this strategy presents a murky picture. While some analysts hail the sanctions as a display of Western unity and a mechanism that has throttled Russia’s military and economic ambitions, critics argue that the sanctions have either been ineffectual or counterproductive. The rise of a Russian nationalist backlash and a geopolitical shift towards China are often cited as indicators that the strategy may not be working as planned.

The Road Ahead: Uncertainty Prevails

Looking forward, the trajectory of these sanctions is anything but predictable. The European Parliament has vociferously advocated for harsher measures against Russia, while at the same time, the evolving landscape of the Ukraine conflict and diplomatic conversations with Russia remain factors that could lead to a revision of the current sanctions regime. Additionally, domestic political dynamics on both sides of the equation can introduce an added layer of complexity.

In Closing: A Delicate Balance

Sanctions are a complex tool of international diplomacy, and their consequences reverberate far beyond the intended targets. While it’s crucial for the West to take a firm stance against actions that violate international law, it’s equally important to understand the multi-dimensional impact of such measures. The question we must grapple with is whether the current sanctions, in their existing form, serve as an effective deterrent, or if they simply exacerbate an already precarious situation, without delivering the desired behavioral change from Russia. One thing is clear: the ongoing sanctions are not just a test of Russia’s resilience but also a measure of Western strategy and its understanding of intricate geopolitical nuances.



Christian Baghai
Christian Baghai

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