Trump’s Delusions Exposed: How Kamala Harris Forces Him to Self-Destruct in Every Debate

Christian Baghai
4 min readSep 11, 2024


Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on Kamala Harris reveal, if nothing else, a profound misunderstanding of basic facts and a disturbing inability to maintain focus. Let’s begin with his absurd claim that Harris “unleashed” the IRS on tipped workers. Spoiler alert: that claim is utterly false. The IRS program Trump references never materialized, but in typical Trump fashion, he continues to peddle this conspiracy as if it’s written in stone. It’s like watching someone argue passionately with a figment of their imagination. Even in the realm of political spin, there’s usually a tether to reality — unless you’re Trump, apparently.

But this is just the beginning. Trump’s debating strategy (if you can call it that) often involves flying off on wild tangents, most of which have little to do with the actual issues at hand. During one recent debate, instead of addressing immigration or economic policies — topics that actually matter — Trump spiraled into a ridiculous rant about crowd sizes and pushed a racist conspiracy theory about Haitian immigrants eating people’s pets. Yes, really. It’s as if he’s incapable of engaging with real issues, preferring instead to plunge headlong into bizarre, unhinged rhetoric.

Harris, on the other hand, barely has to lift a finger to make Trump look out of touch. While she lays out concrete policies that could benefit millions — like middle-class tax relief, small business support, and affordable childcare — Trump drowns himself in a pool of narcissism, going on about his loss in the 2020 election and pushing xenophobic ideas. His entire strategy seems to revolve around rehashing his personal grudges rather than presenting any sort of forward-looking vision.

Trump’s behavior in these debates is downright comical, if not tragic. Rather than discussing the issues that actually impact voters — like the economy, healthcare, or immigration — he spends most of his time ranting about irrelevant topics or doubling down on conspiracy theories. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion: you can’t look away as Trump implodes, his credibility shattered with every sentence.

If Trump’s goal was to outshine Harris in these debates, he clearly failed spectacularly. Harris doesn’t need to be flashy or overly aggressive — she just lets Trump run his mouth and effectively dismantle his own campaign. By the time he’s done, Trump has proven himself to be less of a leader and more of a self-obsessed conspiracy theorist who can’t stay on topic long enough to convince anyone outside his die-hard base. Meanwhile, Harris calmly demonstrates that she’s focused on the issues that actually matter to the American people, highlighting Trump’s lack of substance in the process.

In short, Harris’s steady, policy-driven approach stands in stark contrast to Trump’s erratic, grievance-fueled rhetoric. The more Trump talks, the more he exposes how little he actually understands or cares about the needs of everyday Americans. Instead, he focuses on the past — especially his own losses — while Harris looks to the future. The difference between the two couldn’t be more obvious, or more embarrassing for Trump.

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