The War They Didn’t Sign Up For: Russian Soldiers Trapped in Lies and Deception

Christian Baghai
6 min readJust now


Alright, folks, let’s take a ride down Misinformation Boulevard, where Russian soldiers are getting played like a broken violin at a funeral. You know the drill: you’re just a regular guy, maybe you signed up to avoid jail time or because someone in a uniform told you it’s your patriotic duty. Next thing you know, you’re packed up and shipped off for what they say is a “military exercise” near the border. Sounds like a fun field trip, right? But, oh no — surprise, surprise — you’re not just playing soldier. You’re dropped into Ukraine, dodging bullets and landmines, wondering how the hell you went from marching drills to a full-blown warzone.

“Military Exercises,” My Ass

Here’s the kicker. The Kremlin’s PR department tells these poor bastards that they’re just heading out for some routine military exercises. You know, just flexing muscles near the border, nothing to worry about. These soldiers think they’ll be home by dinner, or at least back in their bunks after a few weeks of grunt work. But guess what? They end up in a full-scale invasion, crossing into Ukraine like tourists who took a wrong turn into the worst neighborhood imaginable. It’s bait-and-switch at its finest.

And don’t think you can say, “Hey, I didn’t sign up for this!” Nope. You try that, and next thing you know, you’re getting threatened with prison time or, worse, a bullet from your own side. Yeah, it’s that kind of “volunteer” operation.

Welcome to the Shitshow

Once these guys realize they’re not in Kansas anymore, the real fun begins. What they were promised would be a quick little romp through the sunflowers of Ukraine turns into a living nightmare. They’re out there in cities like Bakhmut, where urban warfare chews up soldiers like meat in a grinder. Ill-equipped, undertrained, and outgunned — these guys are basically cannon fodder. And the conditions? Oh man, it’s not exactly Club Med. They’re huddling in filthy basements, no food, no water, no hope. Just rats, rubble, and the occasional mortar shell to keep things lively.

It doesn’t take long for morale to tank. These soldiers start to realize that maybe — just maybe — this war isn’t about defending Mother Russia after all. Could it be that they’re just pawns in some rich man’s game? Shocker.

Desertion: The Ultimate Middle Finger

Now, when a soldier figures out they’re being screwed over, desertion starts looking like a pretty sweet option. But here’s the problem: you try to bail, and you’re as good as dead. Russia doesn’t take kindly to quitters. If you’re caught trying to desert, you’re either getting thrown in some godforsaken “penalty unit” where they might as well just shoot you, or you’ll be strung up by your own commanders. It’s a lose-lose situation, but some of these guys are willing to take the risk anyway. I mean, when your choices are “certain death in a pointless war” or “possible death trying to escape,” the decision practically makes itself.

For those lucky enough to slip through the cracks, organizations like “Go by the Forest” are helping deserters escape to places like Armenia and Kazakhstan. Of course, even when they do get out, they’re still looking over their shoulders. If Russia doesn’t get them, extradition just might.

The Propaganda Machine

Here’s where it gets even more twisted. The Russian state media has been cranking out propaganda faster than a hamster on a wheel. They tell these soldiers they’re liberating Ukraine, protecting the homeland from Western aggression. But when reality slaps them in the face — when they see civilians getting killed, cities reduced to rubble, and no end in sight — they start to ask, “What the hell am I doing here?”

Turns out, the whole thing is just a big fat lie. It’s not about defense. It’s not about freedom. It’s about Putin and his cronies playing war games while soldiers die by the thousands. And for what? A few extra miles of territory? A pat on the back from the Kremlin? Yeah, sign me up — said no one ever.

The Cost of the Con

So, where does that leave us? Thousands of Russian soldiers, misled and manipulated, are trapped in a war they didn’t sign up for. Some make it out, some don’t. Those who stay are stuck in a cycle of fear, violence, and disillusionment. As more of these soldiers desert and start talking, the world is getting a clearer picture of just how deep the deception runs.

This war? It’s not just a geopolitical clusterfuck; it’s a personal tragedy for every soldier who was lied to, coerced, or flat-out tricked into fighting. And the kicker? The more these soldiers wake up and desert, the weaker Russia’s war machine becomes. But let’s not kid ourselves — the price of desertion is high, and the Kremlin isn’t going to let go without a fight.

In the end, it’s a sobering reminder that, as George Orwell said, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Or, in this case, “Propaganda is truth, and soldiers are expendable.”

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