The Trump Show: How One Man Monopolizes the Political Violence Narrative

Christian Baghai
4 min read2 days ago


It’s almost comical how the media continues to treat Donald Trump like the sole victim of political violence in America, as though no other politician has been attacked or threatened. Trump manages to monopolize the spotlight, hogging every headline and drowning out the fact that political violence is spreading like wildfire across both sides of the aisle. From far-right conspiracy theorists to progressive fanatics, the entire spectrum of American politics has become a breeding ground for violence. But if you tune in to the mainstream media, you’d think Trump was the only one ever targeted.

Remember Steve Scalise? You know, the Republican congressman who was gunned down at a baseball practice in 2017 by a Bernie Sanders supporter? Barely a blip on the radar compared to the wall-to-wall coverage of Trump’s rallies. Or how about the violent assault on Nancy Pelosi’s husband in their home? No? That’s probably because every time someone as much as looks at Trump the wrong way, the entire news cycle shifts to breathlessly report on the latest “threat” to him.

It’s not like other politicians haven’t been in the crosshairs. Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign offices were torched, conservative organizations in Minnesota had their buildings attacked, and schools and churches have been hit with bomb threats over politically charged issues like immigration and LGBTQ+ rights. Yet somehow, all these attacks combined still don’t get the kind of attention that one assassination attempt on Trump does.

The fact that Trump dominates the narrative about political violence only feeds into the polarization that fuels it. His nonstop grandstanding about being the victim of a rigged system — while simultaneously spewing his own toxic rhetoric — creates a feedback loop where both sides of the political spectrum feel justified in their extremism. The media is complicit, indulging Trump’s “woe is me” routine while ignoring the increasing threats against other public officials and everyday citizens.

Let’s be real: Trump isn’t the first and won’t be the last politician to face violent opposition. But the obsession with his safety is sucking all the oxygen out of the room, leaving little space for a serious conversation about how political violence in America has escalated for everyone. And until we stop fixating solely on Trump, that violence will only get worse.

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