The Race for Next Generation Air-to-Air Missiles and the Future of Air Dominance

Christian Baghai
5 min readFeb 5, 2024


Air-to-air missiles (AAMs) are one of the most important weapons for achieving air superiority in modern warfare. They allow fighter aircraft to engage and destroy enemy targets at long distances, without having to rely on visual contact or close combat. AAMs are crucial for dictating the terms and conditions of a fight with overwhelming speed and lethality.

However, designing and developing AAMs is not an easy task. It involves many key features and challenges, such as range, sensors, and future air dominance. Moreover, different countries are competing and innovating in this field, creating new and emerging AAMs that could change the balance of power and the outcome of conflicts in the coming years.

In this blog post, we will discuss the race for next generation AAMs among different countries, especially the US and China, and how they affect the future of air dominance. We will also review some of the current and emerging AAMs in the world, such as the AIM-120 AMRAAM, the PL-15, the Meteor, and the AIM-260 JATM.


Range is the distance at which a missile can reach and hit a target. It depends on factors like speed, propulsion, aerodynamics, and guidance. A longer range gives an advantage in survivability and initiative, as it allows the shooter to stay out of the enemy’s detection and engagement zone.

Range is one of the main drivers of the race for next generation AAMs. As the enemy’s air defenses and countermeasures improve, the shooter needs to launch the missile from farther away to avoid being detected and shot down. Moreover, as the enemy’s AAMs become longer-ranged, the shooter needs to match or exceed their range to maintain or regain the edge.

For example, the US and its allies have been using the AIM-120 AMRAAM as the standard medium-range AAM since the 1990s. It has a range of about 100 km and a radar-based active seeker. It is compatible with most US and NATO fighters, and has been proven in combat. However, it is also aging and vulnerable to new threats and countermeasures, and has been outmatched by some of the newer missiles from other countries.

One of the main challengers is China, which has developed the PL-15, the newest and longest-range AAM in the world. It has a range of over 200 km and a dual-pulse rocket motor that gives it a high terminal speed. It also has a large and powerful active radar seeker that can overwhelm the enemy’s electronic defenses. It is designed to counter the US stealth fighters like the F-22 and F-35, and to establish China’s air dominance in the Asia-Pacific region.


Sensors are the devices that enable a missile to detect, track, and lock on to a target. They can be based on different technologies, such as radar, infrared, or laser. Sensors need to be accurate, reliable, and resistant to countermeasures, such as jamming, decoys, or stealth.

Sensors are another key factor in the race for next generation AAMs. As the target’s maneuverability and stealthiness increase, the sensor needs to be more agile and sensitive to track and hit it. Moreover, as the target’s countermeasures become more sophisticated, the sensor needs to be more robust and adaptable to overcome them.

For example, Europe has developed the Meteor, the most advanced AAM in the world. It has a range of over 150 km and a ramjet propulsion system that gives it a high and constant speed throughout its flight. It also has a sophisticated active radar seeker that can adapt to different scenarios and targets. It is compatible with several European fighters, such as the Typhoon, Rafale, and Gripen, and is expected to enhance their performance and interoperability.

One of the main innovators is the US, which is developing the AIM-260 JATM, the secretive and futuristic AAM of the US. It is still in development and expected to enter production this year. It is intended to replace the AIM-120 and to regain the US edge in the range game. It is said to have a longer range than the PL-15 and a multi-mode seeker that can switch between different sensors. It will be fitted on the US fighters like the F-22, F-35, and the next generation air dominance aircraft and drones.

Future Air Dominance

Future air dominance is the ability to control and exploit the airspace in a given scenario. It requires not only superior platforms and weapons, but also networking, integration, and coordination among different assets and domains, such as satellites, drones, cyber, and electronic warfare.

Future air dominance is the ultimate goal of the race for next generation AAMs. As the airspace becomes more contested and congested, the shooter needs to have a comprehensive situational awareness and a seamless communication with other friendly forces. Moreover, as the enemy’s capabilities and tactics evolve, the shooter needs to have a flexible and responsive decision-making and execution process.

For example, the US is pursuing the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program, which aims to develop a family of systems that will provide air superiority in the 21st century. It will include not only new manned and unmanned aircraft, but also new sensors, weapons, networks, and concepts of operation. It will leverage the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and open architecture, to create a more agile and adaptable force.

One of the main competitors is China, which is also developing its own next generation air dominance system, which will include new stealth fighters, such as the J-20 and the FC-31, new AAMs, such as the PL-15 and the PL-21, new satellites, drones, and cyber capabilities, and new doctrines and strategies. It will aim to challenge and surpass the US and its allies in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.


AAMs are vital for the future of air warfare, and the competition and innovation in this field will continue to shape the balance of power and the outcome of conflicts in the coming years. The US and China are the main rivals in the race for next generation AAMs, but they are not the only ones. Europe, Russia, India, and others are also developing and deploying their own AAMs, creating a complex and dynamic environment.

The race for next generation AAMs is not only about range, sensors, and future air dominance, but also about cost, availability, reliability, and interoperability. The winner will not be the one who has the best missile, but the one who can use it effectively and efficiently in a networked and integrated way. The race is on, and the stakes are high.



Christian Baghai
Christian Baghai

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