The Psychological Roots of Far-Right Extremism in England: A Dangerous Manipulation

Christian Baghai
3 min readAug 10, 2024


The disturbing rise of far-right protests across England has brought to the forefront the concerning psychological traits of many of its supporters, deeply intertwined with authoritarianism. These individuals, characterized by a strong preference for order and obedience, are highly susceptible to manipulation by far-right leaders, who exploit their fears and anxieties about societal change. The unsettling trend is exacerbated by the prevalence of disinformation and the amplification of social divisions, leading to violence and a threat to the nation’s social fabric.

The Authoritarian Mindset

Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), a key psychological trait among these individuals, highlights their tendency to respect authority figures and traditional norms, especially when these figures are seen as protectors of societal order. Such individuals are particularly vulnerable to rhetoric that promises stability through strong, often coercive, leadership, as they equate authority with the enforcement of conformity and the punishment of deviance.

Disinformation and Fear-mongering

Far-right groups capitalize on these tendencies by employing disinformation and fear-mongering tactics, specifically regarding immigration and cultural identity. Social media is a powerful tool in their arsenal, used to spread false or exaggerated narratives about immigrants as threats to safety, the economy, and the cultural fabric of the nation. The recent riots in England, largely fueled by misinformation regarding a tragic stabbing incident, are a chilling example of how quickly such disinformation can be amplified, leading to widespread unrest and violence.

Social Dominance Orientation

Another contributing factor is social dominance orientation (SDO), a belief in the inherent hierarchy of social groups, where some groups should dominate others. This belief system aligns perfectly with far-right ideologies that advocate for preserving the existing social order, often at the expense of marginalized communities. Far-right leaders exploit this by portraying their cause as a defense against the perceived erosion of traditional power structures, particularly in the face of immigration and multiculturalism.

The Intersection of RWA and SDO

The intersection of RWA and SDO creates a powerful combination that fuels support for far-right movements, especially in contexts where people feel their way of life is threatened. Far-right leaders exploit these psychological traits by portraying themselves as the only force capable of maintaining order and protecting national identity, promising to use forceful authority if necessary. This narrative resonates deeply with those who fear instability and seek security in the enforcement of traditional values through authoritarian means.

Authority by Force vs. Legitimate Authority

The concepts of “authority by force” and “legitimate authority” are crucial in understanding the dynamics at play. Far-right groups often operate on the principle of authority by force, mobilizing support through fear, disinformation, and coercive tactics. They do not derive their authority from any legitimate or consensual process but rather through the manipulation of fear and the promotion of violence. In contrast, legitimate authority is power that is recognized as rightful and justified by those who are subject to it, often based on laws, norms, or moral principles that are widely accepted within a society. The violence that erupted during the recent riots is a clear example of authority being imposed by force rather than being exercised legitimately.

The Way Forward

Addressing the root causes of these fears and countering the disinformation that fuels such divisive and destructive movements is an ongoing challenge. Promoting critical thinking skills, media literacy, and open dialogue is essential to combat the manipulation tactics employed by far-right groups. Moreover, fostering social cohesion and addressing inequalities can help mitigate the anxieties that make individuals susceptible to such ideologies. Ultimately, the path forward requires a collective effort to uphold the values of democracy, inclusivity, and respect for human rights, rejecting the dangerous allure of authoritarian solutions.



Christian Baghai
Christian Baghai

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