The Boeing 797: A Journey from Concept to Future of Midsize Air Travel

Christian Baghai
4 min readApr 15, 2023


Photo by Victor on Unsplash


The New Midsize Airplane (NMA), colloquially known as the Boeing 797, has been the subject of much anticipation and speculation within the aviation industry. Designed to fill the middle of the market segment, the NMA is expected to bring a new level of efficiency and revenue potential to the table. This comprehensive article delves into the origins of the Boeing 797 concept, the market demand, its design and performance features, and the challenges and developments that have impacted the project’s progress over the years.

I. The Origins of the Boeing 797 Concept

1.1. Market Analysis and Demand

In 2015, Boeing conducted a thorough market analysis and identified a significant demand for a new aircraft design to fill the middle of the market segment. The target market comprised customers looking for a midsize aircraft that would offer better fuel efficiency, lower operational costs, and increased revenue potential compared to existing narrowbody and widebody aircraft. Boeing’s analysis suggested a demand for 2,000 to 4,000 aircraft in this segment, with the company expecting demand to lie at the upper end of this range.

1.2. Airlines’ Interest and Feedback

In 2017, multiple airlines expressed interest in a new midsize aircraft featuring composite materials, a seven-abreast twin-aisle configuration, and an elliptical cross-section. The prospective aircraft would cater to the growing demand for more fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective aircraft in the airline industry.

II. The Design and Performance of the Boeing 797

2.1. Two Versions of the Aircraft

Boeing initially planned to offer the NMA in two versions: a 225-seater with a range of 5,000 nautical miles (9,300 km) and a 275-seater with a range of 4,500 nautical miles (8,300 km). Both versions would target different market segments, providing a versatile solution for airlines to optimize their fleets and routes.

2.2. Revenue Potential and Cost Efficiency

With a projected price of $65–75 million, the NMA would generate 30% more revenue than narrowbody aircraft and have 40% lower trip costs than the widebody aircraft it would replace. This combination of increased revenue and lower operational costs made the Boeing 797 an attractive option for airlines looking to expand their networks and improve profitability.

2.3. Advanced Engine Technology

The NMA was to be powered by a new 50,000 lbf (220 kN) turbofan engine from either GE Aviation/CFM International or Pratt & Whitney. These engines would feature a bypass ratio of 10:1 or more and an overall pressure ratio exceeding 50:1, contributing to improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

III. Challenges and Developments in the Boeing 797 Project

3.1. The 737 MAX Crisis and Clean-Sheet Reevaluation

In January 2020, Boeing announced that it was putting the NMA project on hold and initiating a clean-sheet reevaluation. This decision was driven primarily by the company’s focus on returning the 737 MAX to service after two tragic accidents led to a worldwide grounding. The 737 MAX crisis brought significant financial and reputational challenges to Boeing, prompting the company to reassess its priorities and approach to future projects.

3.2. Revival of the NMA Project

In February 2021, reports suggested that Boeing was considering reviving the NMA project with plans for a shorter variant that could enter service by the late 2020s. This revival was seen as an opportunity for Boeing to regain its footing in the midsize aircraft market, with a development cost of up to $25 billion. The decision to reintroduce the NMA project was also driven by a desire to compete effectively with rival Airbus and their A321XLR aircraft, which had gained significant traction in the market.

3.3. Delay Due to Engine and Development Tool Maturity

In June 2022, however, Boeing announced that it would not proceed with the development of the NMA until new engines and development tools reached maturity. This decision reflected the company’s commitment to ensuring that the aircraft would be equipped with the latest and most advanced technology, capable of delivering on the promises of efficiency, performance, and environmental benefits. The delay also indicated a more cautious approach by Boeing to avoid potential pitfalls that could arise from rushing the development process.

IV. The Future of the Boeing 797

4.1. Potential Market Impact

If and when the Boeing 797 comes to fruition, it has the potential to significantly disrupt the midsize aircraft market. With its promise of increased revenue generation and lower operational costs, the 797 could become the aircraft of choice for many airlines looking to optimize their fleets and expand their networks. The success of the Boeing 797 would also help Boeing regain its market share and competitive edge against rivals such as Airbus.

4.2. Technological Innovations

The NMA project has spurred innovation within the aviation industry, with Boeing, engine manufacturers, and suppliers all working towards developing cutting-edge technologies to meet the aircraft’s performance and efficiency targets. As these technologies mature, they have the potential to revolutionize not only the NMA but also the wider aviation industry.

4.3. Environmental Considerations

The Boeing 797 project represents a significant step forward in the aviation industry’s efforts to minimize its environmental impact. With its advanced engine technology and fuel-efficient design, the NMA would contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving overall sustainability. As the industry faces increasing pressure to reduce its carbon footprint, the Boeing 797’s environmentally friendly features could be a decisive factor in its success.


The journey of the Boeing 797 from concept to potential reality has been marked by anticipation, challenges, and a shifting landscape within the aviation industry. As Boeing continues to navigate the complexities of bringing the NMA to life, the 797 stands as a testament to the company’s commitment to innovation, efficiency, and sustainability. Though its future is still uncertain, the Boeing 797 has the potential to redefine the midsize aircraft market and pave the way for a more sustainable and profitable future for airlines and the industry as a whole.

