The Battle for Kostyantynivka: Strategic Updates and Implications

Christian Baghai
5 min readMay 29, 2024


The conflict in Ukraine continues to evolve with significant developments in the Kurakhove direction. Recently, the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Novomykhailivka, following intense Russian pressure, has set the stage for a fierce battle over the strategically valuable location of Kostyantynivka. This blog post delves into the latest updates, the tactical maneuvers, and the broader implications of these movements on the ongoing war.

The Strategic Importance of Kostyantynivka

Kostyantynivka, located in the Donetsk Oblast of Ukraine, is a critical transportation hub with substantial strategic value. Its capture by Russian forces would allow them to bypass the Ukrainian stronghold of Vuhledar, a significant objective in their broader campaign. Military analysts suggest that controlling Kostyantynivka would severely disrupt Ukrainian logistics along the Vuhledar-Mariinka highway, potentially encircling Ukrainian forces in the region. This encirclement would be a critical blow to Ukrainian defenses, as Vuhledar is a pivotal point on the southern front. Additionally, Kostyantynivka’s industrial infrastructure and its position near key supply routes amplify its strategic importance, making it a crucial target for Russian military operations.

Russian Tactical Movements and Reinforcements

Following their withdrawal from Novomykhailivka, Russian troops launched several attempts to capture Kostyantynivka with assaults from the west and southwest. These initial assaults, however, were unsuccessful, prompting a brief tactical pause to bring in reinforcements and prepare for a more coordinated offensive. Russian military bloggers have noted the concentration of significant forces, including two brigades and several regiments, aiming to break through Ukrainian defense lines near Novomykhailivka. This buildup indicates a strategic intent to secure a breakthrough in the region.

Geolocated footage has emerged showing these assaults, highlighting typical attack patterns. In one instance, an armored group advanced against a Ukrainian position along a tree line in front of Paraskoviivka, a suburb of Kostyantynivka. Russian artillery provided suppressive fire to weaken Ukrainian defenses. Paraskoviivka’s proximity to Kostyantynivka, separated by a small lake, makes it a tactically important location for the Russians. Capturing it would secure their northern flank and facilitate further advances toward Kostyantynivka.

Moreover, the Russian military has employed a combination of artillery barrages, air strikes, and mechanized assaults to achieve their objectives. The use of FAB-500 glide bombs and extensive artillery fire has been noted in their preparatory operations. Despite these efforts, Ukrainian forces have employed effective countermeasures, including counter-battery fire and the use of FPV kamikaze drones to disrupt Russian logistics and reinforcements. This ongoing conflict underscores the high stakes and intense military efforts by both sides to control Kostyantynivka and its surrounding areas.

Ukrainian Defensive Strategies and Counterattacks

The Ukrainian forces, especially the elite 79th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade, have demonstrated exceptional resilience and strategic acumen in their defensive operations against Russian forces. This brigade, renowned for its rigorous training and combat experience, has played a pivotal role in stymying Russian advances through a combination of advanced technology, meticulous planning, and relentless execution.

Use of Advanced Weaponry and Drones

One of the standout elements of the Ukrainian defensive strategy is the deployment of FPV (First-Person View) drones and Javelin-guided missiles. These technologies have proven to be highly effective in targeting and destroying Russian armored vehicles, including tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. The precision and flexibility offered by these tools enable Ukrainian forces to execute pinpoint strikes from a safe distance, thereby minimizing their own casualties while maximizing the damage inflicted on the enemy.

A notable example of this tactic in action involved a Russian “turtle” tank, known for its reinforced armor designed to lead assaults. This tank hit an anti-tank mine laid by Ukrainian forces and was subsequently destroyed by follow-up attacks, which also took out accompanying T72B3 and T80BV tanks. Such precise targeting not only disrupts the momentum of Russian advances but also serves as a potent psychological deterrent.

Multi-Layered Defensive Tactics

The Ukrainian defense strategy is characterized by a multi-layered approach that includes extensive use of mines, targeted artillery strikes, and strategic positioning. In addition to the use of FPV drones and Javelin missiles, Ukrainian forces have effectively utilized anti-tank mines to create formidable defensive barriers. These mines are often strategically placed to channel enemy vehicles into kill zones where they can be more easily targeted by artillery or missile strikes.

In the southwest, Ukrainian forces demonstrated their tactical proficiency by quickly identifying and neutralizing Russian T-62M tanks, BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles, and BTR-82A armored personnel carriers. This rapid response capability is critical in preventing Russian forces from gaining a foothold and advancing further into Ukrainian territory.

The Broader Tactical Landscape

The broader tactical landscape in the conflict has seen Ukrainian forces inflicting significant casualties on Russian armored units. Confirmed geolocated footage indicates that at least 32 Russian armored vehicles have been damaged or destroyed. This includes heavily fortified “turtle” tanks, which, despite their advanced armor, have proven vulnerable to the combined arms tactics employed by Ukrainian defenders.

The Ukrainian defense not only focuses on immediate repulsion of assaults but also aims to degrade Russian capabilities over the long term. This is achieved through a sustained campaign of mining and artillery strikes that disrupt supply lines, damage infrastructure, and erode the combat effectiveness of Russian units. This multi-faceted strategy creates a dynamic and adaptive defensive posture that Russian forces have struggled to overcome.

Implications and Future Outlook

The battle for Kostyantynivka exemplifies the intense, localized struggles that define the broader conflict in Ukraine. The effectiveness of Ukrainian defenses in this area underscores the strategic challenges faced by Russian forces, despite their numerical superiority and heavy equipment. The high cost of Russian advances, in terms of both personnel and material, has necessitated repeated tactical pauses and regrouping efforts, highlighting the difficulty of achieving a decisive breakthrough.

The resilience demonstrated by Ukrainian forces in Novomykhailivka and Kostyantynivka has significant implications for the future of the conflict. As Ukrainian forces continue to receive international support, including advanced weaponry and training, their ability to mount effective defenses and counterattacks will likely improve. This support not only enhances their immediate combat capabilities but also boosts morale and underscores the international community’s commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Strategic Importance and Continued Conflict

The strategic importance of locations like Kostyantynivka means that both sides are likely to continue committing significant resources to this battle. For Russian forces, capturing such positions is crucial for achieving broader operational goals and maintaining momentum. For Ukrainian forces, defending these areas is vital for maintaining territorial integrity and inflicting maximum attrition on the invading forces.

Given the current rate of Russian progress and the formidable defenses mounted by Ukrainian forces, it is clear that the conflict will continue to be protracted and costly. The resilience of Ukrainian defenses, bolstered by international support, suggests that Russian forces will face ongoing challenges in securing their objectives. As the conflict evolves, the adaptability and determination of Ukrainian forces will remain a key factor in shaping the outcomes on the battlefield.

In conclusion, the Ukrainian defensive strategies and counterattacks, characterized by the use of advanced technology, strategic mining, and targeted artillery strikes, have proven highly effective in thwarting Russian advances. The broader tactical landscape reveals significant Russian losses and underscores the resilience of Ukrainian forces. As the battle for critical locations like Kostyantynivka continues, the future outlook indicates a prolonged and challenging conflict, with Ukrainian forces well-positioned to continue their robust defense efforts.

