The Art of Propaganda and Manipulation: A Critical Analysis of Alexandre Dorna’s Article

Christian Baghai
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

Propaganda and manipulation are two phenomena that pervade our contemporary society, especially in the political sphere. In his article, Alexandre Dorna analyzes the main tools and challenges of political propaganda, and how it affects the democratic process. In this opinion piece, I will summarize his main points and offer some personal reflections on the topic.

Dorna defines propaganda as “the art of influencing the opinions and behaviors of a target audience, using various means of communication, in order to serve a specific cause or interest” (Dorna, 2008, p. 41). He distinguishes four main tools of propaganda: information, persuasion, seduction, and coercion. Information is the transmission of facts, data, or arguments, without necessarily seeking to convince or influence. Persuasion is the use of logical, emotional, or ethical appeals, in order to change the attitudes or beliefs of the audience. Seduction is the appeal to the senses, emotions, or desires of the audience, in order to create a positive or negative association with a certain idea or product. Coercion is the use of force, threat, or intimidation, in order to impose a certain behavior or opinion.

Dorna argues that propaganda is not necessarily negative or immoral, as it can also serve noble or legitimate causes, such as education, health, or human rights. However, he warns that propaganda can also be used for manipulative purposes, especially by political actors who seek to gain or maintain power. Manipulation is defined as “the art of influencing the opinions and behaviors of a target audience, using various means of communication, in order to serve a hidden or illegitimate cause or interest” (Dorna, 2008, p. 42). Manipulation differs from propaganda in that it is more subtle, deceptive, and dishonest, and it does not respect the autonomy or the critical thinking of the audience.

Dorna identifies several techniques of manipulation that are commonly used by political actors, such as:

  • The use of “symbolic holograms” or “telling-stories”, which are simplified and distorted representations of reality, that appeal to the emotions, values, or prejudices of the audience, and that create a sense of identification or opposition with a certain group or leader.
  • The use of “pipole” speeches, which are superficial and sensationalist discourses, that focus on the personal lives, scandals, or anecdotes of political figures, and that divert the attention from the real issues or problems of the society.
  • The use of “words of power”, which are words or expressions that have a strong emotional or ideological connotation, and that are used to manipulate the perception or the evaluation of a certain situation or action.

Dorna concludes that propaganda and manipulation are serious threats to the democratic society, as they undermine the rationality, the freedom, and the responsibility of the citizens. He calls for a critical and vigilant attitude from the public, as well as a responsible and ethical behavior from the political actors. He also advocates for a better education and information of the citizens, in order to develop their analytical and argumentative skills, and to foster their civic participation and engagement.



Christian Baghai
Christian Baghai

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