Shen Yun: A Spectacular Show or a Cult Propaganda?
If you have ever seen a poster or a billboard of a graceful Chinese dancer flying in the air, you might have wondered what Shen Yun is. According to its official website, Shen Yun is a performing arts company that showcases the essence of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization through classical music and dance. It claims to present the authentic and original culture of China, which was nearly destroyed by the communist regime. However, behind the dazzling costumes and the stunning choreography, there is a hidden agenda that many people are unaware of. Shen Yun is actually a front group for Falun Gong, a controversial religious movement that is banned and persecuted in China.
What is Falun Gong?
Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual practice that combines meditation, qigong exercises, and moral teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. It was founded by Li Hongzhi in China in the early 1990s, and gained popularity among millions of Chinese people who sought physical and mental well-being. However, Falun Gong also attracted the attention and suspicion of the Chinese government, which viewed it as a potential threat to its authority and social stability. In 1999, after Falun Gong practitioners staged a large-scale protest in Beijing, the government launched a crackdown on the movement, banning it as an “evil cult” and arresting, torturing, and killing many of its followers. Falun Gong denies being a cult, and accuses the government of violating human rights and spreading lies and propaganda. It also alleges that the government is harvesting the organs of Falun Gong practitioners for profit, a claim that has been disputed by independent investigations.
How is Shen Yun related to Falun Gong?
After the persecution began, Li Hongzhi fled to the United States, where he established the headquarters of Falun Gong in New York. He also created various media outlets, such as The Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty TV, to promote his teachings and expose the atrocities of the Chinese government. In 2006, he founded Shen Yun, which he claimed to be a non-profit organization dedicated to reviving the true and divine culture of China. However, many critics have pointed out that Shen Yun is actually a propaganda tool for Falun Gong, and that its performances are filled with sectarian and political messages. For example, some of the dances depict the persecution and organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party, and some of the songs denounce atheism and evolution. Shen Yun also sells Falun Gong-related products and distributes pamphlets for a Falun Gong-affiliated YouTube knockoff. Moreover, Shen Yun is funded and presented by local Falun Gong chapters, and many of its performers and staff are Falun Gong adherents.
What is the response of the Chinese government and the public?
The Chinese government has been trying to stop Shen Yun from performing around the world, by pressuring theaters, local governments, and media to cancel or boycott the show. It has also sent agents to disrupt and sabotage the show, by hacking the website, buying tickets and leaving empty seats, spreading negative reviews, and harassing the audience and the staff. The Chinese government has also issued warnings and statements to inform the public about the true nature and intention of Shen Yun, and to urge them not to be deceived by its false and low-quality representation of Chinese culture. The public response to Shen Yun has been mixed. Some people have enjoyed the show and praised its artistic and spiritual value, while others have felt disappointed and offended by its propaganda and indoctrination. Some people have also expressed concern and curiosity about Falun Gong, and sought to learn more about its history and beliefs.