Russia-Ukraine Conflict: A Detailed Update on Recent Developments

Christian Baghai
5 min readMay 28, 2024


The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has seen numerous developments, particularly with Ukraine’s persistent targeting of Russian military infrastructure. The conflict, which has garnered international attention, continues to escalate with significant implications for both countries and the broader geopolitical landscape.

Recent Strikes and Military Movements

In recent weeks, Ukraine has significantly intensified its attacks on Russian military infrastructure, leveraging advanced weaponry supplied by the United States. A notable instance is the recent strike on a Russian airfield in Luhansk, an occupied city. This attack, executed with cluster munitions, targeted extensive areas of the airfield, including Russian military assets. The airfield, historically significant as a commercial hub, now serves as a military base for Russia. The remains of the terminal building, destroyed in 2014, stand as a testament to the prolonged conflict in the region.

Additionally, Ukraine has targeted the nearby aviation museum, converted by Russia into a military base. This base is believed to house SU-25 attack airplanes and helicopters, making it a strategic target. Ukrainian UAVs have been pivotal in these operations, reflecting a broader strategy to undermine Russian air capabilities.

Preparing for Larger Strikes

Evidence suggests that Ukraine is preparing for more significant strikes on Russian bases, including those within Russian territory. The White House administration appears to have already decided to permit Ukraine to use ATACMS and cruise missiles for these operations. Recent attacks on Russian over-the-horizon radars, crucial for detecting ballistic missiles, indicate Ukraine’s efforts to impair Russian air defenses. These radars, part of the Project Voronezh-M, have been temporarily disabled by multiple drone strikes, diminishing Russia’s ability to intercept incoming missiles.

Russia’s military bloggers have noted the use of advanced drones by Ukraine, including the British-Portuguese-made Tekh R3, to target strategic infrastructure. This development has raised concerns in Russia, although the official state media has remained relatively silent on the issue, likely to avoid public escalation. Meanwhile, the intense bombardment by Russia on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has resulted in widespread power outages, with significant impacts on Ukrainian cities like Kharkiv and Dnipro.

Western Support and Training

France has recently announced its decision to send military instructors to Ukrainian training centers, a move reflecting a deepening commitment to supporting Ukraine amidst ongoing Russian aggression. This initiative is part of a larger $3 billion military aid package for 2024, which includes the provision of modern military equipment and the enhancement of Ukraine’s defense capabilities. The cooperation extends to various fields such as air defense, artillery, and cyber defense, aiming to bolster Ukraine’s ability to deter and defend against future attacks. This support underscores the Western resolve to assist Ukraine militarily and ensure its long-term security and resilience.

Spain, likewise, has significantly contributed to Ukraine’s defense through a new military aid package worth 1 billion euros. This package includes Patriot missiles and Leopard 2A4 tanks, crucial for strengthening Ukraine’s defensive capabilities against a well-equipped Russian military. Such support from Western allies demonstrates a coordinated effort to provide Ukraine with the necessary tools and training to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Russian Military Tactics and Losses

Russia continues its efforts to reinforce its positions, particularly in the Kharkiv region, aiming to capture strategic locations. Despite deploying advanced tanks like the T-90, Russian forces face significant challenges from resilient Ukrainian defenses. Ukrainian troops have not only ambushed and destroyed numerous Russian convoys but have also managed to capture some advanced T-90 tanks. These tanks, which represent the pinnacle of Russian tank technology with additional armor and drone protection, provide valuable intelligence and bolster Ukraine’s own military capabilities when captured.

The ongoing conflict has exposed vulnerabilities in Russian military tactics and the resilience of Ukrainian defenses. Videos and reports of ambushed convoys and destroyed tanks highlight the difficulties faced by Russian forces on the ground. Despite their technological advancements, the Russian military continues to grapple with effective Ukrainian resistance, which has proven adept at exploiting weaknesses and leveraging captured equipment to its advantage. This dynamic underscores the complexity and high stakes of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Escalation and Geopolitical Ramifications

The conflict’s geopolitical ramifications extend beyond the battlefield. Reports have emerged of Ukraine attempting to target Russian President Vladimir Putin’s palace, though these attacks have not been confirmed as successful. Such actions, whether real or symbolic, demonstrate Ukraine’s willingness to take the fight deep into Russian territory. In a recent incident, a Ukrainian drone strike near Sochi, close to one of Putin’s palaces, caused significant damage to an oil depot, highlighting Ukraine’s capacity to strike within Russia’s borders.

NATO’s potential involvement in securing Ukrainian airspace, particularly over the western regions, could mark a significant escalation. This move, supported by countries like Estonia, Great Britain, Poland, Canada, and France, aims to protect Ukrainian skies from Russian strikes. The United States and Germany, however, remain cautious about directly escalating the conflict. Recent discussions within NATO have emphasized the complexity of supporting Ukraine without directly engaging in conflict, balancing the need to defend Ukrainian sovereignty with the risk of provoking further escalation.

Humanitarian Impact and Future Outlook

The human cost of the conflict continues to mount, with hospitals in Russian border regions like Belgorod overwhelmed by injured soldiers. Reports suggest Russia is losing around 24,000 soldiers per month, a staggering figure that underscores the war’s brutality. Despite these losses, Russia continues to mobilize volunteers and foreign fighters from allied countries, maintaining its military pressure on Ukraine.

As the conflict drags on, the possibility of peace talks remains remote. Both Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin have shown no willingness to negotiate, each questioning the other’s legitimacy. The Minsk agreements of 2014 serve as a stark reminder of the temporary nature of such peace deals, with the current conflict seen as an inevitable continuation of unresolved tensions. Efforts to reach a diplomatic resolution have been further complicated by Ukraine’s strategic strikes within Russian territory, which, while demonstrating resilience, also harden Moscow’s stance against negotiations.


The Russia-Ukraine conflict is far from over, with both sides preparing for prolonged hostilities. Western support for Ukraine is crucial, not just in terms of military aid but also in terms of strategic and logistical support. The international community’s response, particularly from NATO and key Western nations, will play a pivotal role in shaping the conflict’s outcome. NATO’s ongoing discussions and the provision of advanced weaponry to Ukraine underscore the alliance’s commitment to Ukrainian defense while navigating the complexities of direct involvement.

As the situation evolves, staying informed and supporting efforts for a peaceful resolution remains imperative. The conflict’s impact on global security, energy markets, and humanitarian conditions cannot be overstated, making it a critical issue for the international community to address. The war has significantly strained global relations, with repercussions that extend far beyond Eastern Europe, affecting international policies and alliances.

