“Range anxiety” is not just anxiety

Christian Baghai
1 min readMay 4, 2022

Don’t you love it when corporation keep telling you that everything will be alright? Indeed we are always more attracted to reassuring messages rather than messages that cause anxiety but are true. A case in which this type of logic applies particularly well is the case of electric vehicles.

In recent months a new term has appeared “Range anxiety”

This expression requires congratulations for the people who work in the various marketing departments for major automakers. Indeed using the word anxiety in order to defuse anxiety is nothing short of genius.

However, we have all tried to reassure a friend knowing that his destiny was completely compromised. I kind of feel like the big automakers are doing the same thing with consumers. Using sympathetic words does not change the initial problem.

The fact is that the autonomy of electric vehicles today is not sufficient. Charging networks are not abundantly present.

I have no doubt that electric vehicles offer great potential for innovation in the years to come. However today I do not think that the consumer has access to a finished product.

Give them time…

