How the Far Right is Driving Degeneration in American Society

Christian Baghai
4 min readJul 26, 2024


Imagine a society unraveling, where the vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures and democratic values begins to fray. This is the reality we face as the far-right in America propels us towards social degeneration, a process marked by the erosion of complexity and richness in our societal fabric.

Erosion of Democratic Norms

Consider the chaotic scene of the January 6th Capitol riot: far-right groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers stormed the heart of American democracy, using violence and intimidation in a blatant attempt to overturn the electoral process. This shocking event vividly illustrates how the far-right’s authoritarian tendencies can erode the very foundation of democratic norms and institutions. Former President Donald Trump’s rhetoric played a significant role in this erosion. His repeated false claims of election fraud and encouragement of the rioters demonstrated a clear disregard for the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power.

Trump’s refusal to divest from his business interests while in office further exemplifies the undermining of democratic norms. This decision resulted in numerous conflicts of interest, as foreign dignitaries and well-off Americans frequented his properties, expecting preferential treatment. This unprecedented behavior broke longstanding norms designed to prevent corruption and maintain public trust in the presidency.

JD Vance, a prominent far-right figure and Trump ally, has echoed similar sentiments that contribute to the erosion of democratic norms. Vance has questioned the legitimacy of the election process and has aligned himself with Trump’s views on various issues, positioning himself as a leading figure in the ideological insurgency within the Republican party.

Cultural and Racial Homogeneity

The far-right’s drive for cultural and racial homogeneity fuels social degeneration. White nationalist groups, with their ethnocentric and xenophobic ideologies, push for the exclusion of diverse cultural and racial communities. This exclusionary stance stifles the cultural exchange and innovation that are essential for societal progress. Historically, societies embracing diversity have thrived, witnessing significant advancements in various fields from science to the arts. In stark contrast, the far-right’s vision of a homogeneous society leads to cultural stagnation and regression.

Anti-Intellectualism and Misinformation

When the far-right dismisses climate science and spreads dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, the consequences are dire. Families suffer from preventable illnesses, and our planet’s future hangs in the balance. This reckless disregard for truth hampers our ability to confront and overcome critical global challenges. Far-right movements often reject scientific consensus, spreading conspiracy theories that undermine public understanding of vital issues like climate change, public health, and education. This erosion of trust in expertise leads to poorer health outcomes and environmental degradation.

JD Vance has also been known to spread misinformation and engage in anti-intellectual rhetoric. He has criticized mainstream media and academic institutions, contributing to the spread of conspiracy theories and undermining public trust in factual information.

Exacerbating Economic Inequality

Economic policies championed by far-right ideologies often worsen economic inequality, contributing to societal degeneration. Key points include:

  • Opposition to Welfare Programs: Far-right groups typically reject welfare programs and social safety nets, advocating for minimal government intervention.
  • Increased Poverty: This stance can lead to heightened poverty and social stratification, leaving those without means unsupported.

The far-right’s economic policies exacerbate economic inequality, further driving social degeneration. Their opposition to welfare programs and social safety nets often leads to increased poverty and social stratification, as those without means are left without support. This approach not only undermines social cohesion but also limits social mobility and overall societal development.

JD Vance has supported economic policies that align with far-right ideologies, advocating for minimal government intervention and opposing welfare programs that could alleviate economic inequality.

Degeneration of Cultural Values

By promoting a nostalgic return to an idealized past, far-right movements reject the progressive values that contribute to a more equitable and just society. This regression is evident in their opposition to movements for racial justice, gender equality, and LGBTQ+ rights. Such opposition not only hinders social progress but also fosters an environment of intolerance and division. What happens when we close our doors to different cultures and ideas? We stifle the very cultural exchange and innovation that drive societal progress. Is this the future we want?

JD Vance has often promoted traditional values and opposed progressive movements, which aligns with the far-right’s stance on cultural issues. His views on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights reflect a desire to return to more traditional societal norms, further driving the cultural regression advocated by the far-right.


To halt this march towards degeneration, we must stand resolute in our commitment to democracy. We must champion diversity, uphold the truth, and fight for economic and social justice for all. Only then can we hope to mend the fraying fabric of American society and steer it towards a brighter, more inclusive future. Addressing these challenges requires a commitment to preserving democratic principles, embracing diversity, promoting accurate information, and ensuring economic and social justice for all.

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